This Was Life -- Freshman Year

Tuesday, January 20, 2004

Anybody who knows me and saw the football games on Sunday knows that I am, excuse the language, incredibly pissed off. Once again, I was forced to watch my beloved Eagles choke in a big game. For the third straight year, with only one year between us and the Super Bowl, we lost. And it's not like we were dominated or anything -- we just plain sucked. Yes, there are more important things in life. But I care about sports, and I care about Philadelphia, and after three years, this is getting old.

This led me to discover a great revelation. You'll think I'm being overdramatic, but I'm not. The fact is, everything I've cared about has left me or hurt me (with the exception of my family). It's true, and I'll prove it. My dad had to move to Philadelphia, and my grandparents moved to Indianapolis after they retired (yes, they still love me, and I'm still close with all of them, but they are distant). I have a brother and two sisters who I love to death, but I'll never see them again. The only girl I've ever asked out called me two weeks later to say that she "just wanted to be friends." Rick Marcum, who has been like a mentor to me, moved to Pennsylvania. Our youth minister, Steve Limiero, is going back to Africa. Even my best friend and college roommate left after one semester. And something as trivial as a sports team, which I have no control over, has managed to break my heart year after year. In fact, all my favorite teams have done that. I know they weren't trying to hurt me, and I know it's not my fault. But all these people or things seem to be leaving my life.

I realize that God is still here, and He's not going anywhere. Which has brought me to my next point: I have everything I need, but not what I want. I'm still alive, I have a place to live, food to eat. I've been spending time with other people in the dorm the last couple days, so I'm doing just fine socially, even without my roommate. God has provided me with whatever it is that I need. But the things I want -- a girlfriend, a championship for a Philly team, money (not a lot, just what I need to get by) -- have been harder to come by. I've done everything I can to put God first in my life and live according to His will, and I'm still having trouble with my priorities.

The only times that I'm miserable are when I don't get what I want. But I still get what I need, and I should be content with that. It doesn't matter if I want a girlfriend, and in the grand scheme of life, it shouldn't matter. Tomorrow, a group of students and faculty from LCC are going to Washington for the March for Life, to protest abortion and support life. And one of our fellow students couldn't return for this semester because he found out that he has leukemia over Christmas break. There are more important things in life than my desire for romance. But nothing is more important than the will of God, and the pursuit of Jesus Christ. Next to Him, everything else is secondary.

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